Registration form for Calvary Chapel Scandinavia Conference

Please fill out this form and click "submit registration" to register for this summer's conference at Hjalmargaarden, Sweden.

Please note:

  • Please list the required details for each person you hereby wish to register.
  • The type of accommodation that you choose applies to every one signed up in this email
  • Age should be as it is at the time of the conference.

    IMPORTANT:Please note that after you have submitted your registration you will have to pay down-payment of DKK 200 pr registered person over the age of 13 (the remaining part of your attendance fee can be paid before June 15th This will take you to a separate payment site.)

    Firstname Lastname Gender Nationality Country of residence Age E-mail address
    Firstname Lastname Gender Nationality Country of residence Age E-mail address
    Firstname Lastname Gender Nationality Country of residence Age E-mail address
    Firstname Lastname Gender Nationality Country of residence Age E-mail address
    Firstname Lastname Gender Nationality Country of residence Age E-mail address
    Firstname Lastname Gender Nationality Country of residence Age E-mail address
    Firstname Lastname Gender Nationality Country of residence Age E-mail address

    There are five choices of sleeping accommodations:

    1. #1 Tent spot
    2. #2 Caravan parking spot
    3. #3 Private room without bathroom
    4. #4 Private room with bathroom (minimum 2 people)
    5. #5 Family Cabin with bathroom (minimum 4 people) - waiting list only

    Sleeping accommodations: #1 Tent spot   #2 Caravan spot     #3 Private w/o bathroom    #4 Private w/ bathroom    #5 Cabin   
    Do you have any specific dietary needs that our cook should know about or any other needs/comments (if so, please describe them in short):

    We will send you an email within 3 weeks confirming your registration and your assigned accommodation as soon as possible (if you do not hear from us within 3 weeks, please email In case your preferred accomadation has been fully booked we will let you know and refund your deposit.

    IMPORTANT:Please note that after you have submitted your registration you will have to pay down-payment of DKK 200 pr registered person over the age of 13 (the remaining part of your attendance fee can be paid before June 15th This will take you to a separate payment site.)